Read what we’ve been up to.
Goodbyes and new beginnings: last week was the International Project Weeks on Water 💧And what an incredible experience it has been! The students shared their insights, findings from their analyses, and told us about their experience here in Leeuwarden. Their presentations highlighted key moments, such as visits to Kameleon Island, Sint Jansklooster, Woudagemaal, Waterloopbos, the […]
40 students from 4 nationalities worked together for 5 days on Cybersafety, Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking in Leeuwarden.
Within the Island Schools project, there are 4 weeks incorporated, where students from one island school, after working for 6 weeks on the SDG-related challenges, visit the other school to strengthen their relationship with each other. That is what happened this May, when the pupils from De Jutter, travelled to Iceland to meet their matched […]
#LAND is an Erasmus+ project that gives an opportunity for 40 cultural and landscape professionals to travel to Norway and Slovakia and discuss how to use site-specific and landscape-based cultural interventions in their work. On the 29th of April, there was an online training with amazing speakers. Interested? Join by the link
At last…The first #Erasmus international learning week for pupils participating in our Smart Hands project is underway! After multiple postponements over the past two years, 17 pupils from secondary schools O.S.G. Singelland Surhuisterveen (NL), Kummun Koulu Outokumpu (FI), Itä-Suomen yliopisto – University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and Colegiul Naţional Emil Racoviţă (RO) are hosted by […]
If you have enjoyed our post about PoVe Water international week, where students from the Czech Republic, Latvia, Malta, and the Netherlands have met in Leeuwarden to work together, we also invite you to see an aftermovie of it. Read more about PoVe Water project here: Or about the training week here:
Partners from the Entering the Gig Economy project gave a 3-day training course to participants from 4 countries – Ireland, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands. Gig Economy is an economy and labor market where freelance work is very normal. The training revolved around the effect this had on the future of young people and participants […]