For this project, Learning Hub Frieslands will be the Project coordinator and be responsible for the communication as well as the evaluation and monitoring. The island school De Jutter (NL) and Gymnasium of Astypalaia (Greece) will be responsible for pilot testing and giving feedback on the project outputs. The Environmental Law & Governance and School outreach departments of University of Strathclyde (UK) will coordinate the overview of the IO1 and IO2 of the project. The Education department of University of Akureyri (Iceland) will be responsible for the teacher’s toolkit in IO2. The Department of Rural and Agrifood Engineering of University of Valencia (Spain) will be also in charge of the teacher’s toolkit in IO2 as well as the overview of IO2. Another partner, IDEC (Greece) – an expert in eLearning and digital training platforms, will organize the IO3: Online Platform. And last but not least, the Department of Spatial Geography of University of Groningen (NL) will take care of the IO4: Policy recommendations. All the partners’ roles will contribute to the project outputs.
You can read more information about this project in the articles below:
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