What is a Project Concept and what is its role?
The Project Concept is a form of a document created within the project owner’s organization with the purpose to support the initiation of the project.
It helps outlining an organization’s background; the project’s context & needs; the project’s objectives, expected results and resources/ activities/ plans required.
Is it compulsory?
No, it is not. However, from our perspective, we highly recommend making a project concept before, or after writing a project proposal. As it will give you an overview of your project’s main points, so you can double-check them and give necessary adjustments
What are the Project Concept’s requirements?
According to the Erasmus Programme Guide 2020, some specific requirements for a project plan are:
Please follow the ordering number as well as the texts in the Project Concept Template.
The template should be filled with an easy-to-understand, correctly grammatical, and professional language of your choice.