MCM is a participatory adult education initiative to upskill and empower representatives of migrant communities to become agents for advancement in migrant integration and social inclusion as Migrant Community Mediators.
MCM is an EU Erasmus+ Project bringing together partners and experts from Sweden, United Kingdom, France, Ireland and the Netherlands.
The Europe 2020 goals for a more inclusive Europe with higher social integration and cohesion are of high priority today. The increasing societal tension, linked to the economic crisis, immigration and increasing multi-ethnicity, cuts in public services etc. are issues widely faced across Europe. In recent years, Sweden has taken in more refugees per capita than any other European country, this has impacted other EU countries by fuelling tensions and causing a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment.
It is evident that new strategies are required to empower newcomers as agents of change in their own lives and in the communities they live in. Two key strategies that are emerging as powerful education/integration tools are:
1) Community mediation
2) Active inclusion which means enabling every citizen, notably the most disadvantaged, to fully participate in society.
A mediator is someone who acts as an arbitrator, negotiator, conciliator, go-between, intermediary, moderator, reconciler, honest broker, and liaison advocate. MCM recognizes that educating migrants and refugees in community mediation can play a substantial and positive role in changing social dynamics.
Our Migrant and Refugee mediators can come from any walk of life but will be trained to act as grassroots brokers and leaders, rather than politicians. Our Migrant Community Mediators will be educated and empowered to provide their communities with a voice and through peer-to-peer mediation and education with their fellow migrants foster inclusion, diversity, equality, and intercultural understanding in their new societies. As an additional benefit, the process itself is empowering for the people who take part, as they gain vital knowledge, skills, and self-esteem, which are useful for their personal life.