This project uses the participatory Theory of Change to promote and increase the inclusion of migrant women in VET education.
In recent years more migrants have arrived in Europe. Unfortunately, their professional potential and skills are not always recognized. VET education can make a difference in this. The InclusionToC project wants to increase the skills and awareness of VET staff and trainers, whilst also empowering migrant women and enhance their soft skills and leadership competences.
Currently, many VET institutions still use the ‘’one-size-fits-all’’ approach to teaching, while this might not do justice to the skills and potential of migrant women. They have different needs when it comes to education than men. The Theory of Change is a good way to achieve the change that is needed. It tackles problems in a participatory way, where both VET staff and migrant women will be involved in designing the inclusion strategy. To promote and increase the inclusion of migrant women in VET education, partners from several European countries work together on the following outcomes:
A training course for the inclusion of migrant women using the Theory of Change. This course will be developed for VET staff and trainers and focus on the importance of applying inclusion policies in VET institutions and the use of the Theory of Change. The first phase of developing this outcome is finished. The desk research, focus group and online survey results are combined in the synthesis report from the research phase and can be read here:
A digital platform for the participatory implementation of the Theory of Change for the development and application of inclusion strategies in VET institutions.
A training guide on leadership, self-development and empowerment of migrant women. This training guide will provide migrant women with an updated and modern educational tool to enhance their soft skills and leadership competences.
Read more about the current status of the project in the newsletter: