What is a Dissemination Plan and what is its role?
According to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2020, “Dissemination” is a planned process of providing information on the results of programs and initiatives to key actors. It occurs as and when the result of a project become available. The dissemination process involves spreading the word about the project successes and outcomes as far as possible and making others aware of the project. In short, the term means “Marketing & Communication”.
The roles of dissemination:
To spread projects’ results to raise awareness in the audiences and extend the impact of the project
To contribute to the implementation and shaping of national and European policies and systems
To raise the quality of the project by stimulating innovative projects and sharing good practices
To engage stakeholders and target groups
To develop possible, new partnerships
A good quality dissemination plan should include measurable and realistic objectives, a detailed timetable and provide a resource planning for the activities to be undertaken. Involving target groups in activities will also help to maximize the use of the project’s results.
Is it compulsory?
Yes, it is! Dissemination and exploitation is one of the award criteria on which the application will be assessed. Depending on the project type, it will be given a different weight in the assessment of the application.
You NEED TO identify what to disseminate and exploit. You can disseminate both tangible and intangible results. For more information about them, please click here.
What are the requirements of the Dissemination Plan?
The plan should cover why, what, how, when, to whom and where disseminating results will take place, both during and after the funding period
The aims and objectives of the dissemination plan should link to the project aims
Setting up a timetable of activities together with the partners involved and allocating appropriate budget and resources is necessary
Some extra criteria for the Erasmus+ projects:
For mobility projects, listing planned dissemination activities and identifying potential target groups will be requested in the application form.
For cooperation projects, a detailed and comprehensive plan, describing targets, tools and outcomes will be requested and further assessed.
For all project types, reporting on the activities carried out to share the results inside and outside participating organizations will be requested at the final stage.
Beneficiaries shall always use the European emblem (the ‘EU flag’) and the name of the European Union spelled out in full in all communication and promotional material. The preferred option to communicate is to write ‘Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union’ (no translation) next to the EU emblem. Examples of acknowledgment of EU funding and translations of the text are available here. Guidelines for beneficiaries on the use of the EU emblem in the context of EU programs are available here.
Use of the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
What are some examples of the Dissemination Plan?
Facts and figures related to the website of project organizers (updates, visits, consultation, cross referencing);
Numbers of meetings with key stakeholders;
Numbers of participants involved in discussions and information sessions (workshops, seminars, peer reviews); follow-up measures;
Participation in public events;
Media coverage (articles in specialized press newsletters, press releases, interviews, etc.);
Visibility in the social media and attractiveness of website
The template illustrates the steps you need to take into account before and when making a dissemination plan. Please follow the arrows’ direction.
“Dissemination Indicators” can be both quantitative relating to numbers and percentages as well as qualitative relating to the quality of the participation and experience.